Delta Counties Coalition

Delta Counties Coalition
Contra Costa County | Sacramento County | San Joaquin County | Solano County | Yolo County
“Working together on water and Delta issues."
The Delta Counties Coalition, a consortium of five Delta Counties, including Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, and Yolo, is working to give one voice to the Delta, advocating on behalf of local government and the 4 million people throughout the Delta region.
These principles describe the Delta Counties’ joint interests in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and Greater Bay Delta Estuary.
The Delta Counties Coalition believes that the management of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and greater Bay Delta Estuary must:
- Protect and improve water quality and water quantity in the Delta region and maintain appropriate Delta outflow for a healthy estuary.
- Protect the existing water right priority system and legislative protections established for the Delta.
- Respect and safeguard Delta Counties’ responsibilities related to land use, water resources, flood management, tax revenues, public health and safety, economic development, agricultural stability, recreation, and environmental protection in any projects, policies, or operations.
- Represent and include local government in any governance structures for the Delta.
- Protect, enhance, and preserve the Delta’s agricultural economic viability, the ongoing vitality of its communities, and its historical significance.
- Support rehabilitation, improvement, and maintenance of levees throughout the Delta.
- Support the Delta pool concept, in which the common resource provides quality freshwater supply to all Delta users, requiring mutual responsibility to maintain, restore, and protect the common resource.
- Support immediate improvements to through-Delta conveyance.
- Require that any water conveyance plan for the Delta is aligned with these principles and supported by clearly demonstrated improvement to the entire state’s water management.
- Protect and restore the Delta ecosystem and provide for a healthy estuary in perpetuity by ensuring adequate water supply and quality, enhancing Delta fisheries, and managing or eradicating invasive species.
- Include the study and implementation of storage options, sustainable groundwater management and conjunctive use, conservation, recycling, reuse, and regional self-sufficiency as part of an improved statewide flood management and water supply system, which will reduce reliance on the Delta as called for in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Reform Act of 2009.
- Support conservation actions aligned with these principles and the habitat plans and programs of each Delta County.